Repost: Radio Tutorial (For Dumb Cunts)

Apperantly Offliberty works again, if not, comment down below, thanks.

So here is the Tutorial for the Flower’s radio with a step by step Guide with also Pics.

Rules about music

Only one rule for the music don’t have ear rape music and turn off the music if a staff members tell you to.

Step 1 (Noobs)

Go to and find your shit song you really like.

Step 2

Grab the Youtube link at the top of the search Engine

Step 3

Go to and place the youtube link inside the box and click OFF

Step 4

Now wait for it to load and click on the yellow box and right click and copy the link again

Step 5

Go into Mta and open up the console with f8 and put Radio [Link from offliberty]

Step 6

Enjoy the shit music your playing [Have fun cunt]

Additional commands:

Variant 1: radio [offliberty link here] false false = link is invisible and stays on the position where you put on the music

Variant 2: radio [offliberty link here] true false = link is invisible and follows you where you go

Variant 3: radio [offliberty link here] false true = the opposite of variant 2

Really now ? "if staff tells you to"
That’s some unfair shit, music doesn’t interfere with anyone unless it makes peoples ears bleed…

Yup, deal with it.